【網上講座】英國客戶私隱保障及環境保護法案 你要知

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【網上講座】英國客戶私隱保障及環境保護法案 你要知

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【網上講座】英國客戶私隱保障及環境保護法案 你要知
無論你打算做咩生意,都少不免會接觸到客戶嘅個人資料。英國好重視個人資料保障,由點樣保存客戶資料,到點使用呢啲資料進行市場推廣等,都受相關法例規範。此外,英國嘅環境保護政策亦同你嘅日常營運息息相關!我哋邀請咗Queens Court Law資深合伙人Satnam Talwar,法律助理Douglas Li及前可持續發展顧問梁佩鳳,為我們深入淺出地解釋相關法規,同營運時需要特別注意嘅事項,等各位創業嘅同路人避免誤墮法網!
🤔 英國Data Protection Act (DPA)及General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)概要
🤔 ICO登記同資料保障費用
🤔 點樣喺合法情況下利用客戶資料推行市場推廣?
🤔 Green Claim Code係啲乜?又如何避免違反這指引?
🤔 提供相關資訊同支援嘅機構
日期:7月16日 (六)
時間:11am - 12:30pm (英國時間)
報名:https://bit.ly/3yROfn5 (7月14日11:59pm截止)
日期:7月19日 (二)
時間:12:30pm – 2pm (英國時間)
對象: 主要為有意於倫敦創業的港人 (同時也歡迎其他地區的港人參與)
報名:https://bit.ly/3Pf4bVA (7月17日11:59pm截止)
【BN(O) Entrepreneurs Webinar】Guide to UK GDPR and sustainability compliance
Running a business usually involves collecting, maintaining and utilising customer data. The Data Protection Act (DPA) is a key law within the UK while failure to comply can have serious consequences. Besides, it’s equally important to understand and comply with the environmental laws and regulations in the UK. We are happy to have Satnam Talwar and Douglas Li, Senior Partner and Caseworker from Queens Court Law, respectively, and Pui Fung Leung, former Sustainability Advisor and Co-founder of Hong Kong Business Hub, to explain related laws and regulations. Join us to learn how to comply with these requirements.
Key topics:
🤔 Introduction of DPA and GDPR in the UK
🤔 Register with the ICO and paying the data protection fee
🤔 Use customer data for marketing
🤔 Green Claim Code - get your green claims right
🤔 Related organisations that offer advice and support
Session 1
Date: 16 July (Sat)
Time: 11am - 12:30pm (BST)
Participants: BNO status holders in North-West England (Hongkongers from other regions are also welcomed)
Enroll now: https://bit.ly/3yROfn5 (deadline: 11:59 pm on 14 July)
Session 2
Date: 19 July (Tue)
Time: 12:30am - 2pm (BST)
Participants: BNO status holders in Greater London (Hongkongers from other regions are also welcomed)
Enroll now: https://bit.ly/3Pf4bVA (deadline: 11:59 pm on 17 July)
Language: Cantonese
Fee: Free
We will also organise networking events at the end of July to connect Hong Kong businesses, entrepreneurs and local organisations. More details will follow. Please visit our website and subscribe our newsletters for the latest update: https://www.hkbusinesshub.net/

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